关于「 pichai」的内容列表

Thailand plans to issue $148 million in tokenized government bonds by October

According to ledgerinsights, Thai Finance Minister Pichai Chunhavajira said that the government plans to issue 5 billion baht ($148 million) government bonds directly to the public before the end of the fiscal year (September 30). The initial issuance will be considered a sandbox project and can be traded on a digital bond platform. The minister said: "We will involve retail investors, regardless of their financial situation. They can invest any amount, buy and sell directly on the platform, aro...

2025-02-20 14:13:46

据ledgerinsights报道,泰国财政部长Pichai Chunhavajira表示,政府计划在本财年结束前(9月30日)直接向公众发行50亿泰铢(1.48亿美元)政府债券。首次发行将被视为沙盒项目,可在数字债券平台上交易。 部长表示:“我们将让散户投资者参与进来,无论他们的财务状况如何。他们可以投资任意金额,直接在平台上买卖,绕...

2025-02-20 14:13:46
谷歌CEO:量子计算技术犹如10年前的AI 真正切实可用还要5到10年

谷歌首席执行官Sundar Pichai称,距离量子计算机“切实可用”还有5到10年的时间,并将这项突破性技术与大约十年前的人工智能做比较。同时担任谷歌母公司Alphabet Inc.首席执行官的Pichai周三在迪拜举行的世界政府峰会上表示,当前的“量子时刻让我回想起2010年代的人工智能时代,当时我们在做Google Brain,取得了初步进展”。

2025-02-12 22:21:36
Thailand will pilot cryptocurrency payments in Phuket

Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Pichai Chunhavajira announced at the Thai Marketing Association seminar on Wednesday that Thailand will launch a new cryptocurrency payment project, starting with the popular tourist destination of Phuket. The project will allow foreign tourists to use digital assets to make purchases in the tourist city. The government's goal is to enable foreign tourists to use their digital assets to shop in tourism-focused cities.

2025-01-08 19:12:02

泰国副总理兼财政部长 Pichai Chunhavajira 周三在泰国营销协会研讨会上宣布,泰国将启动一项新的加密货币支付项目,首先从热门旅游目的地普吉岛开始。该项目将允许外国游客使用数字资产在旅游城市进行购物。 政府的目标是让外国游客能够利用他们的数字资产在以旅游为重点的城市进行购物。

2025-01-08 19:12:02